The Grain and Feed Chamber is a professional organization which has been established in 1997. Presently, there are over 60 membership companies affiliated to the Chamber, from the sectors of feed production, oilseed crushing industry, milling and storage and the national and international trade of cereals. Among our members there are also companies which provide services for the agricultural sector, such as investments, transport or quality control.
Chamber member entities represent about 75% of the potential of the Polish grain market and more than 50% of the feed market.
The Chamber’s mission is:
- to represent and protect the interests of Chamber members at home and abroad,
- influencing the creation and amendment of legal regulations,
- raising the level of professional, technical and economic improvement for higher efficiency and profitability in the industry,
- providing all kinds of assistance to members and business entities, facilitating the conduct of business,
- cooperating with central and local state administration bodies, as well as industry and professional organizations,
- issuing opinions and performing technical studies and expert reports in the sectors covered by the Chamber’s activities. At the national level, the Chamber cooperates with organizations of the agri-food sector.
Internationally, the Chamber is a member of:
the European Association representing traders of cereals, rice, feed, oilseeds, fats and other products of the agro sector
the European Federation of Feed Manufacturers
uropean Grain Exchange (European Commodities Exchange).
For more information about the Grain and Feed Chamber visit: www.izbozpasz.pl