This year’s Gala Dinner, slightly different from last year’s, will take place on May 25, 2023, the day before the fair, and will be held at Ufficio Primo, at 62 Wspólna Street in Warsaw, in the heart of the capital. Guests will meet in the historic building, designed by Mark Laykam in the 1950s, originally intended to house the Presidium of the Government. Ufficio Primo is an unparalleled pearl of Polish post-war architecture, recognized as a zone of exceptional luxury that combines unique style with prestige.
AGENDA 25.05.2023 (Thursday)
19:00 - 20:00 | Dinner (Buffet + Open Bar) |
20:00 - 20:15 | Commencement Gala Dinner - Speeches |
20:15 - 20:35 | Performance by Łukasz Drapała |
20:35 - 21:00 | Performance by Katarzyna Pakosińska |
21:00 - 22:45 | Concert of Poparzeni Kawą Trzy band |
22:45 - 01:30 | DJ, networking |
Podczas Gali Dinner po raz pierwszy w historii Polish Grain Day, Kapituła Izby Zbożowo-Paszowej przyzna nagrody „Grain Awards” – w tym roku w trzech kategoriach (Firma Roku, Człowiek Roku, Nagroda Specjalna) dla firm i osób, które w sposób szczególny przyczyniły się do rozwoju branży i bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego kraju. Na gości Gali Dinner będzie czekała wspaniała kolacja oraz występ artystyczny, nie zabraknie także czasu na networking, do którego serdecznie zapraszamy.
Po raz pierwszy Kapituła Izby Zbożowo-Paszowej przyzna także nagrody „Grain Awards” – w tym roku w trzech kategoriach (Firma Roku, Człowiek Roku, Nagroda Specjalna) dla firm i osób, które w sposób szczególny przyczyniły się do rozwoju branży i bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego kraju.
You can reserve a whole table for 12 people.
When you purchase 12 tickets to the Gala Dinner for yourself, your business partners and clients, the buyer gets the opportunity to reserve the entire table and a discount (one ticket free!).
In case a group of 12 people with tickets to the Gala Dinner gather and would like to reserve a dedicated table, there is such a possibility for an additional fee – PLN 1,000.
Applications are accepted by e-mail until 24.05.2023 at:
The band was formed in 2005 by employees of two most popular radiostations in Poland, Radio RMF FM and Radio Zet. The release of their first album in 2011 coincided with a spectacular success at the “Top Trendy Festival” in Sopot, where the band won the Journalists’ Award, and a month later won the nationwide “Przebojem na antenę” festival. Since then, “Poparzeni Kawą Trzy” has been a guest at Poland’s biggest festival stages such as “Przystanek Woodstock 2012” recorded on DVD, Ostróda Reggae Festival, “Chad Festival” “WOŚP Finals” in Poland and abroad, “Lato Dwójki i Radia Zet” and millions enjoy themselves in front of their TV sets to the rhythm of “Kawałek do tańca” during New Year’s Eve nights organized by Polsat. Lyrics to all the songs, among them such hits as „Byłaś dla mnie wszystkim”, „Wezmę cię”, „Okrutna zła i podła” are written by Rafal Bryndal The music, described as a mix of ska/rock and urban folk is composed by Poparzeni themselves. On 19.04.2019, another album entitled „Zakochaj się we mnie” premiered, followed by a music video for the single of the same title. The latest production is the song “Urodziny”, which in a hundred years is expected to replace… “100 lat” (the Polish version of the English “Happy Birthday”) and… a musical – a musical comedy “Okrutna, zła i podła” starring Katarzyna Pakosinska, for which the script was written by Rafal Bryndal and directed by Beata Harasimowicz.